
Rage - Richard Bachman, Stephen King Rabia review en español en mi blog: Click aquí

Rage was the first book that King published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman and it's probably one of his most controversial works to date.

It's the story about Charles Decker, a disturbed high school kid that goes berserk and takes his classmates as hostages. The book is written as if Charles is giving testimony of what happened, this keeps you on the edge of knowing if he got away with it.

As the story progress Charlie engages a very interesting interaction with his hostages in which we get to know the origins of his madness, the way King describes the process of becoming insane is superb.

Many people skips this book because it has bad reputation, since King himself decided to let Rage fall out of print afraid that it could inspire school shooting incidents. This is a real shame because it's a really powerful novel and a story that really reached me, making me wonder about a lot of things.

It was a very quick read that felt average but the ending changed my whole opinion of this book, it's a really strong story and probably one of the best Bachman books, totally recommended.